Virtual program on HKMOOC platform - junior secondary science online self-learning scheme
ChatLaw: AI-powered private ChatGPT on enhancing Police Force’s operational efficiency
ObstAR (obstacle detection in augmented reality) – An augmented reality (AR) software to aid the visually impaired for navigation
Structured Light Observation, Perception and Evaluation (SLOPE) device
AI-based automatic retinal image analysis (ARIA) for detecting depression risk in adults
Making insoluble drugs soluble
Flexible exoskeleton for load transportation
VibVoice: bone-conducted vibration speech enhancement on head-mounted wearables
Mozart: a mobile ToF system for sensing in the dark through phase manipulation
VI-Map: infrastructure-assisted real-time HD mapping for autonomous driving
Magnesium-based orthopaedic implants, for a better joint
Hybrid implants for handling challenging bone disorders
Regenerative enhancers (Mag Med Biotech)
Advancing miscarriage prediction and diagnosis by blood level of soluble PD-L1
Automated patient-specific prosthesis design system for bone defects
Ultrasound-based navigation system for minimally invasive fracture reduction
AI retinal image analysis for the risk of Autism (ASD) and GDD in preschoolers
A personalized report for prediction and prevention of diabetes
RoboGuide: intelligent collision avoidance tracking and hazardous object detection for robot Temi
Methylation models for kidney function and future risk of kidney failure