Harvesting Sustainability: Macadamia nut byproducts and environmental solutions for cleaner products
Application of deep convolutional neural networks for identification of ECG arrhythmia
Incontinence-associated dermatitis detecting platform for vulnerable persons
Preservation anatomy solution usefulness kingdom
Laventhol (Lavender-Menthol), aromatherapy to reduce anxiety and pain in patients undergoing cataract surgery
Oral Isoflavone Nutraceuticals
Spermatozoa sex sorting system
Intra oral camera devices and teledentistry supporting application for screening oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer
Nightingale® Robotic system for motion control of cold plasma jet in healing of chronic wounds
ECOSPHERE (Remediation of Microplastics by Combination of Microbial Mats and ZnO Nanomaterial)
Computer surgery system development (CSSD)
FolliFocus: Multifunctional Light Guided Microneedle Patch for Hair Regrowth
A quick and field-deployable CRISPR-Cas12a diagnostic kit for the DNA detection of poisonous plants containing aristolochic acid
Senovate AI: real-time monitoring system for cattle in tropical regions using high-precision AI sensors to reduce estrus cycles and predict epidemics.
BioCa: plant bio-calcium booster
Rubic's Cube : 3D mechanical interlocking puzzles for the blind
Peinture absorbe X-ray
Autonomous passive aerodynamic device (PAAD)
Bone drilling device incorporating a vibration reduction system