Fimelo : A biofilm that helps in asexual reproduction in pomelo trees
CRA ambulance boat: For emergency services in remote areas of Thailand
World-friendly Rebana that uses artificial leather sheets from waste.
Copolis-Shampoo : Shampoo product from propolis extract and cold-pressed coconut oil for inhibiting fungi that cause fungal diseases on the skin
Phytomelatonin production through seed germination under salinity stress with exogenous melatonin addition
Finger strength training kit for physical therapists and practitioners of applied Thai traditional medicine
Imitated rice forming machine from various flours
Crispy freeze-dried jellyfish collagen snack
Urine bag management systems for in-patient department
BiTNet: Artificial intelligent platform for CCA and abnormalities in human upper abdomen analysis via ultrasound image
Hybrid energy kit system using wind and solar energy
1-MCP micro-nano bubbles technology for delaying of ripening or senescence of exported fruits, vegetables and ornamentals
Digital important educational documents and smart tracability system
SMART wrist motion adjuster for enhancing post-operative efficiency in distal radius fracture treatment
Self-expandable carotid stent utilizing smart material for stroke prevention
High-strength orthopedic and dental screws enhanced by fine particle peening
Cricket protein flour : Healthy french fry alternative to potato fries
Water hyacinth: New fiber innovation for textile industry
Multifunctional bio-based solar heat reflective materials for temperature control