- Name of invention
- Deep learning method and system for bone health status evaluation and osteoporosis diagnosis
- Méthode et système d'apprentissage profond pour l'évaluation de l'état de santé des os et le diagnostic de l'ostéoporose
Invention description
- Description
- System that uses deep learning algorithms to automatically classify and predict osteoporosis status with T-score using X-ray images of the hip, spine, and wrist.
inventor 356428898_894
Chun Hai Ericsson FUNG
inventor 356428898_772
Ka Kwan Kyle MAK
inventor 356428898_770
Xin YE
inventor 356428898_768
Ronald Man Yeung WONG
inventor 356428898_766
Wing Hoi Louis CHEUNG
inventor 356428898_764
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